Losing weight might be one of the most usual problems today, especially for people in their mid-20s or mid-30s. You have to adjust your diet and lifestyle and sometimes it takes a long time to see the effects in your body. The wonderful news is that there are safe vitamins for weight loss that help advance the process and get your desired weight goal as soon as possible.
Before anything else, let’s look at the reasons why people are having difficulty losing weight. The problems can be caused by various conditions like body changing, environmental stress, diabetes, and the hardest to discern is the lack of vitamins in our body. These fat burning vitamins are a kind of vitamins to speed up metabolism and help you shed those extra weights.
You see, our body relies on different kinds of vitamins to maintain overall good health. Not everyone knows about the importance of metabolism booster vitamins to manage your weight. These vitamin supplements for weight loss help boost your energy so that you can stay active always. Let’s find out what are these vitamins for weight loss and how they can help you speed up your metabolism.
Fat Burning Vitamins: Vitamin D and Calcium
Vitamin D is one of the safest vitamins for weight loss because it converts the sugar in your body to energy. If your body lacks vitamin D, then your body will start to convert sugar to fat and this will lead to weight gain.
You can easily get vitamin D in the sun by staying outside for a little bit or take a Vitamin D supplement daily together with your regular diet.
Vitamin D also helps absorb more calcium into your body, and calcium is also an effective metabolism booster.
Calcium is not a vitamin but a mineral that your body also needs to strengthen your bones and teeth. These two, vitamin D and calcium, could greatly enhance your health and boost your metabolism quickly when taken regularly.
There are many natural ways to gain vitamin D and calcium just by eating the right food containing this metabolism booster vitamin and mineral. As long as you combine them with a less calorie diet, then surely you can burn thousands of calories daily even without exercise.
Although, sunshine is by far the greatest source of vitamin D, here are some of the food full of vitamin D also:

•Shiitake Mushrooms
Aside from taking food supplements, here are some of the food that you can eat that is full of calcium:
•Chia Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Poppy Seeds
•Whey Protein
•Fortified Drinks and Food
•Vitamin B for Weight Loss
One of the most used B vitamins for weight loss is vitamin B12, which plays a crucial role in how good your body can function. It helps produce red blood cells in your body.
B12 deficiency and weight gain are connected, why? When your body lacks vitamin B12 you become anemic due to lack of blood cells. B12 also turns your body’s nutrients into energy, so if you don’t have enough of this vitamin then you will gain more weight.
Does B12 help you lose weight? Vitamin B12 does not shed your pounds but it can help you in other ways. Just as stated above, it absorbs a definite amount of nutrients which then turned into energy instead of fat. This energy can be used by your body to stay active.
Here are some of the major functions of vitamin B12:

B12 supports your red blood cells development
It strengthens your nervous and brain system
Boosts your immune system
Aside from taking vitamin B12 supplements, here are some of the food that you can eat that is full of vitamin B12:
•Poultry Meat
•Organ Meats (such as lamb liver or kidneys)
•Fortified Cereal, Nondairy Milk, and Nutritional Yeast
Aside from B12, these are some of the B Vitamins to Boost Metabolism:
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – It helps prevent the unused energy to become fat. Food that is rich in B2: egg whites, dairy products, and meat.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – It helps the body to control fat digestion and metabolism. Food that is rich in B5: eggs, meat, green vegetables, meat, and whole-grain bread.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) – It enhances your body’s blood sugar control. If you have more sugar in your body, then it can lead to weight gain. Food that is rich in B7: egg yolks, bananas, grapefruit, and cauliflower.
A balanced diet packed with vitamins such as Vitamin D, B12, and Calcium can have an intense effect on your health. Taking these vitamins for weight loss will surely keep your metabolism on track while keeping you feeling healthy and pleasing all the time.