We have felt this purposeless and loneliness life day by day specially we’re on lock down and seemed like you can’t see the end of this. You must be thinking I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.“ — Masaru Emoto
I know living in the moment is hard for people nowadays. We can’t read it in the books but I discovered that, all it takes is a just simple gesture in life such as exercising, singing your heart out of the shower, small talks at a gas station. Sometimes, wishing someone to have a good day is enough to feel better.
I went through ups and downs in life, and I can’t stop overthinking at night, I even cry myself to sleep sometimes and I don’t even know why. I keep on thinking about the future, maybe that could be the reason? What if there’s no one I could hold on to when I am wrinkly and could not move. Will I be able to make it knowing my parents are no longer around when that time comes? Those are just some of the many random thoughts that came up to me every single minute of my life.
Why am I saying this? Just like you and me, everybody is feeling the same way as you. Overthinking kills, depression sucks, working hard from 9 to 5 and constantly drained, your routine daily is getting frustrating. Being hateful of your past and worrying so much in the future that you constantly think to yourself, I don’t want to live anymore.
The worries in your life robs your happiness. You have to start living in the ‘now’ and stop worrying too much.
Adolescent Depression and How It Makes People Say I Don’t Want to Live on This Planet Anymore

Adolescent depression or also known as teenage depression is a mental problem which is just like adult depression. As it’s anything but normal for youthful adolescents to encounter wretchedness however during the length of pre-adulthood, there is consistently a period with physical, enthusiastic, mental and social changes that a youngster gets defenseless.
The young adult is that phase of life which is brimming with vulnerabilities on the grounds that a teenager needs to settle on a great deal of decisions, take duties and are presented to peer pressure. Youngster wretchedness or juvenile discouragement is a genuine medical issue that can cause loss of interest in exercises, nervousness, and bitterness.
In the event that a teenager is discouraged, it can influence how the individual thinks, feels, acts and responds which causes physical, passionate and mental issues. This medical issue adult depression can seriously affect the high schooler’s wellbeing and can require a drawn-out therapy. As during the young adult time frame, an adolescent appearances numerous issues like change in the body, scholastic pressing factor, peer pressure which can make loads of pressing factor the high schooler; that can prompt a steady sensation of trouble causing teen gloom.
Teenagers experiencing sadness may likewise enjoy crimes or substance abuse. It can require some investment to recognize the right treatment for it. To stay away from sadness in adolescents you ought to frequently converse with your youngster about their sentiments, school life, and individual life in order for them to stop thinking I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Sorrow can contrarily affect your kid however with legitimate treatment, your kid can get the assistance that the person requires. One of the difficulties that young people face is having the option to perform well scholastically.
How Do I Live In The Moment And Conquering I Don’t Want To Live On This Planet Anymore Thinking

1. Eliminate unnecessary belongings
Eliminating things related with past recollections liberates you and permits you to quit living in the past. When the past no longer has power, you can start to live at the moment and be happy.
2. Smile and Have A Positive Attitude Always
Every day is brimming with unlimited conceivable outcomes! Start your day by smiling and having a positive attitude. You are in charge of your mentality each day, keep it idealistic and eager. Be purposeful about it and you’ll wind up doing it consistently without acknowledging it.
3. Appreciate everything like the snapshots of today
Absorb as much of today as possible – the sights, the sounds, the scents, the feelings, the victory, and the distress. These are in our everyday lives yet we regularly neglect to take them in and really like them. Listen to your favorite on the way to work, take a sip of the coffee and appreciate the little things in life.
4. Forgive the hurt of the past
On the off chance that you are holding onto hatred towards another individual is maybe because of the pain of the past, decide to forget and proceed onward. The pain was their issue, yet permitting it to affect your state of mind today is yours. At the end of the day, it’s your state of mind, choose to be happy.
5. Love your work
If that you just “endure” the week’s worth of work continually sitting tight waiting for the weekend end to arrive,” you are wasting 71% of your life (5/7 days.) There are two arrangements: get another line of work that you really appreciate, or discover something that you appreciate about your present profession.
6. Dream about the future, however buckle down today
Think beyond practical boundaries. Put out objectives and plans for what’s to come. In any case, buckling down today is consistently the initial move towards understanding your fantasies tomorrow. Try not to permit dreaming about tomorrow to supplant living at the time. Dreaming about what’s to come is just useful when joined with activity taken today.
7. Laugh and do silly things
Being weird every now and then makes life colorful. Do the viral tiktok dance, say a silly joke, watch a funny movie and laugh all day. Give yourself some laughs and feel the moment.
8. Quit stressing
You can’t completely see the value in today if most of the time you stress a lot over tomorrow. Understand that tomorrow will still happen even if you stress over it. What’s more, since stress achieved nothing for anyone, divert your psychological energy somewhere else.
9. Don’t think of the old answers for the issues of now
Our reality is changing pretty quickly and at this point the old answers are not the right answers today. Try not to get used in a “but that’s how we’ve generally done it” mentality. The previous arrangements are not the present arrangements and they are surely not the upcoming arrangements.
10. Vanquish addictions
Addictions in your day-to-day existence hold you prisoner. They hold you back from moving on with a totally free life and eliminates your concentration. Discover some assistance. Make the strides. What’s more, eliminate their impact over your life. Permit yourself to live at the time fixation free.
These are just few of the many small things you can do at your daily life that keeps you living at the moment and keeps yourself busy. It’s just a matter of mentality, if you keep on stressing about something that’s already in the past or is not happening yet, it makes you think you’re purposeless. Start living in the moment, one simple step at a time stop syaing I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. If you’re looking for the absolute guide to adult nursing relationship, you can browse here and read more about it.