Health Facts: What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new type of infection that cause a severe pneumonia. Health facts, it has clinical manifestations that is common with viral pneumonia and has same common early clinical symptoms like fever, coughing, body muscle aches, neck pain, headache and other clinical symptoms. However, as the infection gradually spread into the body, there will be much serious symptoms such as cough, chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, and those who are severely infected may experience loss of consciousness.
Health Facts; What are the symptoms to know if you should need to go to the hospital?

Here are the following conditions:
1. A high fever. These are the clinical symptoms of a high fever: it increases continuously and does not recede after 2 to 3 days even though you are under normal or home treatment. If these occur then you should go to the hospital for treatment.
2. If there are cases of COVID-19 infection in your area or if you have traveled from a place that is infected with this virus and are experiencing fever, cough, and other clinical symptoms, then it is highly recommended that you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for screening and treatment.
How to Prevent Novel COVID-19?
You should do the following health facts to keep yourself safe from the infection of COVID-19.
First, maintain a strong immune system by avoiding staying up late, excessive drinking, and extreme exhaustion. Make sure to sleep early, eat healthy food, and do not overwork yourself too much.
Second, do not go to a potentially virus-infected environment and avoid going to crowded places/events.
Third, protect yourself by a wearing a mask when going to a place with people to prevent the spread of virus.
Fourth, make sure to have a good ventilation in your home.
Lastly, maintain a proper hand hygiene because the usual contact spread often caused by hand contact. Wash your hands in accordance with the norms of the seven-step hand washing law.