Scalding or burns is an accident often encountered in life. If it’s not handled properly then it will cause wound infection and leave scars after the wound heals. Today, we shared some simple health tips on how to deal with an after-burn injury. Hope these tips will help you.
The Classification of Burns:
The slightest scald damages the skin’s surface only, causing mild redness and pain, swelling, and no blisters.
Second-degree burns are moderate burns that damage the epidermis and the middle layer of skin. It has blisters and can be very painful.
Third-degree burns are the most severe because the subcutaneous, fat and muscles are severely damage. The appearance is gray or reddish-brown but can appear black. You will not feel any pain because this type of burn damages nerve endings.
Do not use these Preventive Measures on After-Burns
Do not use ice to apply cold to the wound as it will only lower the temperature and can aggravate the burn.
Don’t apply toothpaste immediately after burns as this will only seal in the heat and will spread deep into the subcutaneous tissue, causing a deeper layer of injury.
Never use soy sauce to treat wounds because it does not have any therapeutic properties and the color of soy sauce will affect the doctor’s diagnosis.
Simple Health Tips: How to Deal With Scalding and Blistering

Rinse the wound with running water after a burn:
Whether it is boiled water or steam scalding, the temperature of the scalded skin should be lowered first to reduce further damage to the scald. You can reduce the pain by washing the scalded skin with water. If the wound does not break open then wash your wound for about 10 minutes. Best remedy to an open wound is to stop washing it to avoid infection. If the burn area is too large, soak your entire body in the bathtub. You can use a towel moistened with water to apply to areas that could not be rinsed with water.
Do not take your clothes off immediately:
When you cover the scald by clothing, then do not take off the clothing immediately to avoid tearing the blisters after the scald. You can rinse the scald with water to cool it down, then afterward, remove the clothing slowly and carefully.
Proper Treatment of Blisters from Burns:
If there are blisters on the scald then you need to examine the blisters if you want to break them. Generally, you should not break them to avoid leaving scars. If the blisters have broke then wipe off any liquid that surrounds the blister with a sterile cotton swab.