Having a dog is not all about feeding them and keeping them warm. Pet lovers also have to give their dogs daily training. One of the training that you can teach your dog is learning to “sit down”. Which is a very important step because many other complex signs need to be based on this training. Today, we would like to share with you the practice of training dogs to sit down and we hope that this will help everyone.
Before we train our dogs to “sit down”, we need to know first the right time to train them as pet lovers. If the timing is wrong then the dog can’t naturally learn. Generally, dogs should receive training at the age of three months. If the start time of training is too early or too late, then their cooperation will be greatly reduced. So we must know the right time to train our dogs.
When training your dog to sit down, we must pay attention to the choice of position. It is best to squat on the right side of your dog. After giving the sign to “sit”, gently put your left hand on the back of your dog. Then slowly press down their hind legs to make them “sit down”. Of course, your dog will be unresponsive in preceding attempts, but once you succeed then give your dog a reward in a timely manner. So that your dog can effectively learn how to “sit down.”

If the dog still cannot learn to “sit down” after repeated attempts, then we can change to another training method. The specific method is to hold your dog’s favorite food in its front, and then move the food all the way up. The dog’s head will rise up and its buttocks will naturally sit down. Your dog can learn to “sit down” by repeating this several times.
Overall, it is not that hard to train your dog to sit down, but as pet lovers, we need to be more patient with our dog during the training process. It will become more difficult to achieve the goal if we try to rush it. But initiating patience will speed-up success!