The website of US “Time” magazine published an article last December 29 about a presumed vulnerable sex group. Thanks to the protective effects of women hormones and the lifestyles that they often choose. Women get more health benefits than men. The following are the 10 facts that will make you happy that you are a woman, and some health and wellness tips.
1. Women celebrate more birthdays
As stated by the recent statistics currently available from the National Center for Health Statistics in the United States. Girls who were born in 2012 are expected to live up to 81.2 years, while boys who were born in the same year only live up to 76.4 years. Many researchers still have no answer to why women live four years longer than men. An expert at Langon Medical Center in the United States stated this, “This may be related to the lower proportion of women with heart disease compared to men. But this may also be the result of closer social relationships between women and their family and friends, as social relationships are link to longevity.
2. Women can endure more pain
Men are generally considered fearless in the face of pain. While women are more sensitive to pain, but this is not what studies have found. Although there is no authoritative conclusion, a researcher states that there are innumerable findings to support the point that women’s pain thresholds seem to be higher than men’s. Of course, it makes sense for women to have the ability to endure pain. Especially during childbirth where they experience great pain.
3.Men are more prone to having head and neck cancer than women.
The American Cancer Society estimates that about 30,000 males are diagnose with oral or throat cancer this year, compared to only about 12,000 females. With regard to esophageal cancer, 14,000 males may develop the disease this year and only 3,000 for females. Why is head and neck cancer so selective? This is because cancer in these parts of the body is very much related to smoking and drinking.
4. Melanoma is less likely to appear in older women
The American Academy of Dermatology states, women are more likely to form melanoma before they reach the age of 45. Which is a highly fatal skin cancer type. Researchers say that this is related to the fact that young women prefer to sunbathe. But after this age, older men are far more likely to suffer from this malignant disease than older women.

5. Women’s sense of smell is more sensitive
It’s no question why soaps, perfumes, detergents, and candles all cater to women’s sense of smell. A recent article published in Science Public Library Synthesis magazine in the United States says that the sniff ball. The area in which women’s brain receives odor signals, has 50% more cells than men. This proves that women are more sensitive to their sense of smell than men. One theory suggests that a more sensitive sense of smell can help women find pheromones, and pheromones can help them choose the right partner. Another theory is that the ability to detect corrupt odors helps women protect their children from illness.
6.women have higher levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
The level of lipoprotein cholesterol, or “good cholesterol”, is closely related to heart health. It prevents pre-menopausal women from having plaque that blocks the arteries and from premature heart disease. While many men in this age group are already suffering from.
7. Women’s brains have better memories
Some scientific research says that it has been known for a long time that women have a better memory. A survey of about 3.7 million people in a Norwegian psychology magazine in 2014 showed that. While older people are usually more prone to memory loss, men are more forgetful than women no matter what age. The exact cause is not clear, but previous research has suggested that this may be related to brain deterioration caused by cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure. Both of which are more to be expected to men than women.

8. Women are less likely to consume alcohol
According to health and wellness tips experts in New York: “Men are twice as likely to have alcohol problems than women.” According to them, men are more at risk of alcohol-related issues because of the secretion level of dopamine, a chemical in their brain. A recent study of health and wellness tips men and women who need to drink alcohol in social settings found that more dopamine is release by men in areas of their brain known as abdominal ripples after drinking. Alcohol abuse is also related to psychological factors. Women are more likely to be distress by external stimuli, and men are more likely to use real actions to paralyze pain.
9.Women accumulate less abdominal fat
Women should not complain that their hips and thighs are prone to cellulite. But they should be happy because it means that they have a low risk of having heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Than those with fat buildup in the middle portion of the body. A study also says that most men are apple-shape bodies and their risk of heart disease is high because of fat buildup around their upper abdomen and the heart. While those with pear-shaped bodies, which women are likely to have, are not prone to such disease because this shape keeps fat away from the heart.
10. Women are more likely to suffer heart attacks later than men
Doctors say that men are likely to have heart disease and serious coronary artery disease in their 40s and younger years. While women really start to face this risk at the age of 50 and after the menopausal period. This tells that women are at risk of such common diseases later than men. They said that “The first heart attack in a woman was 10 years later than in a man’s case,”. The better cholesterol levels of young women are one of the factors contributing to this outcome. But estrogen and lifestyle choices such as healthier diets also appear to be protective, according to health and wellness tips.